“I am just so passionate about what I do” said 29-year-old Anna, who started the events business up earlier this year, “I love organising events, promoting them, getting people on board and turning an event into a real success.”
Stockport resident Anna, who also works as a part-time customer services manager got the idea to start up her own event management company when the recession hit.
She explained: “I pick a theme such as mothers instinct which is my forthcoming event and the entire event will be themed around everything for mums, babies and toddlers. I have got some leading companies coming along such as baby premier, kids unlimited, run of the mill, family magazine, Gulliver’s World and many more.
“Other event organisers charge a huge amount to exhibitors but I charge just a minimum fee to entice them along. And, because there is a recession and companies don’t want to pay huge amounts to exhibit they are happy to pay a smaller fee and it is an excellent way for them to promote their products. Although the price is very reasonable we never compromise the quality of the event or the amount of marketing undertaken.
“Visitors to the event can also enter free of charge. Mothers Instinct promises to be fantastic; I have got all areas covered; nurseries, photography, baby clothes, children’s entertainment, beauty; everything that could possibly be wanted by mums with young babies and toddlers.”
Anna has a degree in fashion marketing and has worked in the retail sector for more than ten years now – and is able to use these skills in her new venture.
And, for the New Year Anna is already planning her New Year New You event. Later in the year Anna will also be bringing Mothers Instinct to Liverpool in March and to the Wirral during June.
She added: “I have got so many ideas for future events, I am really driven and am thoroughly enjoying the challenges and opportunities that running my own business brings.”
Anna, who has two children aged three and six, says that running her own business allows her greater flexibility around being a mum. Once she had decided to become self-employed Anna set to by looking on the internet to see what business support would be available to her.
“I couldn’t believe it when I came across Train 2000” she added, “I didn’t know that there was organisation that provided free business advice to women, so when I saw it on the internet I made an appointment and went along to meet with an adviser.
“Mike was extremely helpful, he gave me lots of support and was extremely enthusiastic about my business idea and helping me to push my business forward.”
Anna received help and advice under Train 2000’s business support programme where she received one to one advice from a business adviser as well as help with putting her business plan together.
“I know it sounds a cliché but I really couldn’t have done with without Train 2000” said Anna.
Mothers Instinct takes place on Sunday November 28 at the Waterside Hotel, Didsbury in Manchester. Anyone who is interested is in finding out more should call Anna on 07791 070 457 or email annastocks@hotmail.co.uk
To find out more about RDA Events visit www.rdaevents.co.uk
And, if like Anna you are a woman from the Stockport area and area and are keen to start up your own business please call Train 2000 on 0161 833 8800 or visit www.train2000.org.uk