TWELVE months ago Debra Williams decided it was time to take a look at her life and try something new – and that’s when she turned to self-employment.
“In October 2009 I became a media volunteer for the Woodland Trust” said Debra, “and, when they asked me to do some paid PR work for them, I realised that I did have the necessary skills to turn my interest in writing and editing, into a business working for myself.”
Now, Debra runs Words and Deeds a business offering PR services as well as proof reading – a service which she targets particularly at university students.
She said: “I really enjoy this area of work, it is quite different to what I was previously doing but I have always wanted to get into PR and proof reading since I graduated. I managed to use my skills in these areas when I was working in university administration, writing and editing newsletters and webpages; this experience gave me an excellent grounding for the work I now do on a self-employed basis. ”
And, to add to her business Debra is also offering a dog walking and cat sitting service aimed especially at people who are sick or in respite care.
“I know this is very different to PR and proofreading” added Debra, “but, I was brought up with dogs and have had cats of my own for more than 20 years; and I have got the time and energy for both aspects of the business. I particularly wanted to offer the pet sitting service to people who are sick or need to go into short term care or hospital because I know how much they need it, through voluntary work I have done in this area.”
Debra says she is enjoying running both aspects of her business and is looking forward to building them both up over the forthcoming months.
Prior to starting up her business Debra came along to The Women’s Organisation where she received free help and advice under the business start up programme.
She said: “I was in Barclays opening up a business bank account when I found out about The Women’s Organisation. The services offered to me have been very helpful and I have been able to access a number of services.”
Debra also worked on a one-to-one basis with a business adviser to put her business plan together.
“I love being self-employed” said Debra, “and being able to provide services to people, who really need them.”
Anyone who is interested in finding out more about the services Debra has on offer should contact her on 07783 997 129 or email debra@wordsanddeeds.co.uk Alternatively you can visit her website at www.wordsanddeeds.co.uk
And, if like Debra you too are interested in starting up your own business please contact The Women’s Organisation on 0151 236 6601 or visit www.thewomensorganisation.org.uk