It is officially 20 years since The Women's Organisation started as Train 2000 Ltd. with a vision of supporting the economic development of women. Over that time we have supported over 50,000 women to consider their enterprise and employment options and helped to build a national framework for women's enterprise. We have considered it a priveledge to work with so many amazing women the last 2 decades and are excited to see what the next 20 years has in store.
Some of our key supporters from the last 20 years have been kindly offering us their birthday wishes and thoughts on our achievements over the last 2 decades. We wanted to share some of these lovely comments with you.
Lisa Greenhalgh, MSIF |
“The Women’s Organisation has been such an important factor locally in helping women of all ages, background and circumstance set up their own businesses. A lot of successful businesses in the region are run by women and they are an important contributor to the growth of the local economy. The support provided by the Women’s Organisation has given women the confidence, knowledge and practical advice to make their business ideas a reality and achieve their dreams. We are delighted to have worked with them in partnership over the years and look forward to continuing this relationship in the future to help even more women set up in business.”
Lisa Greenhalgh, Chief Operating Officer, MSIF
Max Steinberg, Liverpool Vision |
“An organisation that promotes and supports the development of women in business is not unique to Liverpool – most major cities will have some group or organisation that promotes women’s business through networking, mentoring, business support or a combination of all of these things. However what is unique to Liverpool is the level of commitment and innovation which the Women’s Organisation has demonstrated consistently over its 20-year life span. Now internationally renowned, the Women’s Organisation nevertheless remains true to its founding principle of delivering tangible results by being accessible to all women, regardless of their social or economic standing. Of the 50,000 women the WO has helped since its inception in 1996, over 27% have been lone parents, 21% from the BME community; and a significant proportion of their clients were experiencing mental ill health and distress. To have achieved the results they have is therefore nothing short of remarkable. I therefore take great pleasure in offering my warm congratulations on their 20th anniversary, and in wishing Maggie and her team even more outstanding success for the future.”
Max Steinberg, Chief Executive, Liverpool Vision
Frank McKenna, Downtown in Business |
"The Women’s Organisation are a key strategic partner for Downtown, and they have helped (and persuaded) enormously in recent years in the campaigning and advocacy work our organisation has undertaken on the female enterprise agenda. We have had the pleasure of working with many of the women led businesses that have been supported by WO, and Maggie and the team fulfil an essential role in helping, developing and growing female owned companies across the Liverpool city region and beyond.
Happy twentieth anniversary. Here’s to the next twenty!"
Frank McKenna, Chairman Downtown in Business
Steve Coffey, LMH |
“We have been a supporter of The Women’s Organisation for many years – they carry out some fantastic work for the benefit of the wider community – and have made a big difference in our neighbourhoods.
The organisation has helped create over 100 new businesses run by tenants, which in turn have supported more than 1,000 women in their attempts to achieve economic and social well being. Our enterprise team works closely with them to deliver an innovative partnership programme to encourage emerging female and social entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, which is crucial if we are to build truly equal and diverse communities.”
Steve Coffey, Chief Executive at Liverpool Mutual Homes
Pamela Ball, KCVS |
For twenty years the Women’s Organisation has progressively worked to
improve the lives of women entrepreneurs and our local communities. They are
leaders in the equality movement as well as giving expertise for businesses
that is unmatched across Merseyside. When I first became aware of The Women's Org and then
met Maggie and her colleagues , I was bowled over by the passion , shared
commitment and bravery that they all showed with regards to championing women’s
rights, positive equalities policies and in simply raising the profile of
women in our local communities. Personally TWO and its events and people have
become like a second home to me where I can not only count on support for our
newly forming Women’s Equality Party local branch, but support my beliefs in
equalities and the harm done to women in an unequal society. Thank you for
letting me become a friend of TWO and I would be privileged to share positive
passion with your organisation through its next twenty years !
Pamela Ball, CEO KCVS , BA , FRSA
Heather Waters, Natwest |
"I have had the pleasure to work with The Women's
Organisation for 3 years although there has been a long standing relationship
with some of our staff. We have always had a great working relationship where we
have been more than happy to promote/signpost the support the W.O. Offers to women looking to start and growth their
businesses. In the last 2 years we have had the opportunity to award
grant funding for additional support. One of these projects was POWER- this was
a great success and they exceeded the targets agreed. They worked with over 300
women and did create businesses. Promoting
Opportunities for Women in Enterprise and Regeneration (POWER) programme
provided support to women living in deprived communities in the Liverpool city
region and who were disadvantaged as a result of being unemployed, economically
inactive, disabled or from a BME community, to start their own business or
social enterprise.
I am so pleased to hear that they are celebrating 20
years of supporting women in Enterprise and long may it continue.
Congratulations and Well Done!"
Heather Waters, North England Territory Enterprise Manager Natwest
We are so grateful to have worked alongside some amazing organisations and fabulous women over our 20 years. If you have fond memories of your time with The Women's Organisation (formally Train 2000) and would like to share your story or birthday wishes with us, please contact our team via - We are making 2016 the year of celebrating 20 years of women's economic development and inspirational stories of our women.