Friday, April 27, 2018

EntreComp Into Action; A User Guide Launches!

For many years, as an organisation, we have worked all across the world and in particular across Europe. Taking part in projects that span countries and help us build relationships with other organisations who have similar missions and visions. This year has been no different as we have been working on producing ‘EntreComp into Action: Get Inspired and Make It Happen’ – a user guide for ‘EntreComp’, the entrepreneurship competence framework developed by The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

The JRC, the European Commissions’ science and knowledge service, commissioned The Women’s Organisation in partnership with Bantani Education in Brussels and TAKK Studio in Italy, to carry out this exciting piece of work!

The team created a fascinating and hefty resource which is a deep dive into the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework and provides a user’s guide on how to foster entrepreneurial learning. 

Access EntreComp into Action HERE!

‘EntreComp into Action aims to inspire more actors from across Europe and beyond to get involved, to join a community of practitioners committed to embedding these competences for life into education, communities, work and enterprise.’

So, what is EntreComp?
EntreComp is a comprehensive, flexible and multi-purpose reference framework designed to help you understand what is meant by entrepreneurship as a key competence for lifelong learning and to be able to use this in your work.’

By defining 15 key competences, grouped in 3 areas: Ideas & opportunities; Resources; and Into action, EntreComp helps to create a shared understanding of the knowledge, skills and attributes that make up what it means to be entrepreneurial,

…discovering and acting upon opportunities and ideas, and transforming them into social, cultural, or financial values for others.

In short, EntreComp is for anyone! ‘EntreComp can be used by different actors and is relevant to those interested and working in formal education, non-formal learning and inclusion activities as well as in organisations and businesses of all sizes.’

The user guide, EntreComp Into Action, comprises over 70 case studies and examples of how educators, policy makers and entrepreneurs are applying EntreComp.  It provides an exciting look at what it means to be ‘entrepreneurial’ in today’s world.

The guide provides an introduction to the EntreComp framework and some top tips for getting started for those new to it, as well as detailed descriptions of potential learning outcomes for each of the competences for those applying the framework in a learning environment. 

The case studies and examples are categorised in 2 ways, by domain – your area of work, and by goal – what you want to achieve.  This means that you can easily navigate the resource and read those examples relevant to you, whether you’re working in formal education and want to appraise and assess learners’ work; or if you work within an organisation and interested in the impact of entrepreneurial development activities.

One example of how EntreComp can be applied and put into practice is a case study of The Women’s Organisation client Ngunan Adamu, Founder and Director of iWoman media and iWoman Academy. Ngunan explained that ‘EntreComp inspired iWoman Academy to enhance its innovative training programme for women’ through helping participants to appraise and appreciate their current levels of entrepreneurship competence and to inform their future plans.

With great visuals to help explain and share the notion of entrepreneurship competences and practical examples of how to apply the framework the guide is a useful resource for anyone interested in entrepreneurship.

EntreComp into Action is one magnificent feat! And at The Women’s Organisation and Enterprise Evolution we are delighted to have worked on this project and make it possible!

If you want to learn more about EntreComp into Action you can access it HERE! So, give it a read and see how you can develop your own entrepreneurial competencies.

If you would like access to a Chinese translation of the user guide, you can read it here.

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